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viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


Before to start with this blog i will being talking about myself just a little, my name is María de Jesús Díaz Hernández, I consider like creative and intelligent person. I born the June 6th of 1996.

Now i'm studying chemical engineering what means that i'm that kind of person who needs being very disciplined. For the other hand I always try to get what i want. That's the reason why i decided, that once i finish the college, inmediately i'm going to study another career: Gastronomy.
That’s something that's really passionate for me, and this blog will allow a thorough understanding about the diverse range of food in the world.
therefore this blog is the result of one of the most important things in my life, that involve the food in all their forms even the least atractive part.

We now that actually the food into the mexican culture is the most important and that defining the way of expression of the people in cuisine. Like mexicans we love eat everything its around us, but what is everything? In this blog im going to mention some unique dishes.

The point of all this is that many of these foods are slowly returning to table in the country, and begin appear on menus of renowned restaurants. Ahuautle, mosquito egg, water bugs, crayfish, jumiles, chicatanas, chibicuiles, known grasshoppers, maguey worms, Escamoles, and more, are returning and becoming part of the "delicacies" in fine restaurants.

1.- Huitlacoche. Also known as "Mexican Truffle" huitlacoche is a fungus that seizes the corn in the rainy season. This dish was already known since pre-Hispanic times, and is a fungus so invasive that can infect corn anywhere in the world: In France, USA and South America is considered a terrible plague that can cause the entire crop is lost, but in Mexico is a favored food, even considered a delicacy for the palate.

2.- Crayfish. (Acociles) The Mexican crayfish or crabs River, used to be an important source of protein for the Aztec people. It looked and tasted resemble shrimp; usually fried and eaten in tacos, and unlike the shrimp were not removed the head, limbs and shell.

3.- Tripe. (Mondongo) Or often known as tummy, this spicy broth is prepared with the stomach of the animal, although in some parts of Mexico is also prepared with lamb stomach. This dish is typically consumed Sunday morning to fight the hangover caused by drinking alcohol.

4.- Kid (Cabrito). The kid is a typical dish from Monterrey is prepared with a baby goat of no more than 30 or 40 days of age, which further additions breastfed and never have eaten grass; this in order that their meat is very tender and melt in your mouth.


5- Maguey worm. Maguey worm is the larva of a butterfly growing in the maguey. You get the center of the maguey after the rainy season, and the extraction of 3 or 4 causes the maguey worms can no longer be used, so it has become a very expensive dish and only accessible to wealthy diners. Along with Escamoles, maguey worm is the most prestigious Mexican insect world cuisine.

We could see the most exotic mexican food, like very interesting and unusual dishes, that for so many people could it be disgusting at the same time, especially who do not dare even to try these dishes for others its about a “Delight”. No doubt hungry in all tastes is good, but it is the same case of insects? or in strange and unusual animals? Definitelly I'll never eat something like those dishes, and like me the most of people is thinking of the same way because they care of their health. Just for fun I will try with maybe an insect but i'm not so sure about it.

Overall, for most of people is very unconfortable try to eat other different food because since the point of view “normal” and conventional, the food that usually we know is really hard to replace to others because it could be completely exotic, or strange.

However, still yet exists people who eat that kind of food independent of their foreign cultures. The majority prefers don’t take any risk trying to eat exotic Mexican food maybe for prevention of their health, but others enjoy this magnificent experience! It’s a really good idea try something different, Don´t you think?

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