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jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015



Hey there! I´m Karla Gomez a future environmental
engineer also an animal and food lover, I’m from Mexico but
 I have Korean roots because my grandma was from South
 Korea which is why my eyes are too small. I´m just 22
years old and this is my blog about exotic food from Asia!
 Enjoy it! Please do not forget to post a comment!

As you know around the world there is a lot of dishes that
are pretty different and also rare for us (when I say us, I
mean people from American continent). In contrast to
American continent, Asia is a strange continent, because it
has a variety of unimaginable ingredients to prepare their
meals since insects to exotic animals.
Asian people believe a little different from the rest of the
world, they think that the food has their own meaning and
properties. For instance, eat tiger meat will give you enough
power. In China people may eat crocodiles or scorpions.
But, what about dogs? Yes, of course Chinese people eat
dog meat too! Actually, South Korea is another country that
cook that unusual dish.

In particular, in South Korea there is a popular soup that
includes dog meat as principal ingredient and then boiled
with vegetables and spices. Koreans believe that a person
eating this soup could get some virility.

At this moment maybe you, dear reader, are wondering how
the dog soup look like? Well, guess what! No, you won’t see
a dog head into your soup.

This picture is the answer of all your questions about this
soup. It looks pretty great, don´t you think? Better than
you imagined, right?


Maybe one day you will travel to Asia, even better, to South
Korea and you will enter to a local restaurant and as a
foreign you must try the local cuisine. Well let’s imagine the
situation: you read the menu and you find “dog soup”, oh
my god… is it possible?, is the taste good? And you start to
think I wish I hadn’t entered to this restaurant when I was
passing by… Or I would eat this dish only if I were really
hungry, but don’t worry, more foreigners have been
attracted by this dish.

In brief, if you are in an Asian country, don’t regret about
the local cusine, try everything you can! Maybe by the next
year, you will have been eating an exotic food.

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