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jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015



Hi, guys I´m perla and i will talk about food, really exotic food, I´m Mexican and I can told you that I love the food salad or meet more meet that salad and I used to eat armadillo and I eaten eggs of turtles, oyster, fish roe and I thinks so dog meet but really I didn´t know I suppose eaten in the street but that is another history and that´s all of course I would like to taste iguana meet, snake meet and why not a shark.

but now I will talk about African and we talk about food so, I will show you an exotic African food and really I wouldn´t taste this "food", I just remember and I feel chills all my skin, you are not to know but I wouldn´t visit that continent, I don´t know maybe because they´re are wild or something like that.

You really read well, yeah is a cat who is roasted with its own skin, in my case it´s really nasty, but they don´t use some seasoning so I don´t know the taste and really I don´t care, just look the picture and tell me what do you feel?


Well the bat, maybe you can´t imagine to taste this food and with this presentation less, right? That I show the African people don´t use seasoning because I just look roast animals and for my opinion it´s very disgusting to eat some bat like this, maybe I can taste with tamal or soap. 


Not please a dog not, I don´t like to care dogs because they´re dirty but I won´t taste a dog with out my consent maybe because they´re are the best friend for the humans or maybe because they´re own pets, the African people eat all the dog meet, the picture for me is shocking and you?


And the last one but very impact it´s that food, they eat monkeys, I don’t know but this is the worst picture in this section of exotic food in this case they´re sold the meet like butchery I don´t know if they seasoning or it´s roast but this picture it’s enough for us.

Really guys it´s very interesting to know different culture and that’s it or maybe you can take the risk and taste, I don´t know, all we have different opinions, even if I will tell you, search this kind of food it´s very complicated, the African people didn´t show who or how cook this exotic food, I wish I could find the time to do volunteer work, ahahah well it´s a joke, maybe we become aware to other culture and never look forward the same like you and tell me just one thing…. Are you daring?

Thanks for your time, and see you another scared section…

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