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viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


my name is Sergio Cruz Constantino i was born in coatzacoalcos, ver. november 5th 19.. im mexican and i lives in coatzacoalcos. talk about food for me it is very dificult, because i hadnt tasted many things and this has been since, i was a child i was very prudish and i didnt like the meat. now i give me laugh because is that more like it. but to searching about another types of meals that i am not used. It was amazing and all what i found these were those that drew my attention more, may be because dont imagine to taste it some day and here is show you.


Sándwiches of Brains.

  I am sure that you never has tasted a sandwich made of brain cow on white bread. Im sure that you had never though in something like that, therefor even if i say so, this dish its founds avaible in some places of the united states yet. The brains has a good texture and few flavor by itself. so that the spicy sauce definitly help it.

Rocky Mointain Oysters

This dish called Rocky Mountain Oysters. if you can see not seems oysters. Also is well-known as criadillas in Mexico. Its a term for a dish made to buffalos, bull, pig and sheep testicules. Are very knowing and disguised in certain places to North America where is called to different forms. For example in Virginia City, montana is called “Cowboy caviar”. The testicules are peeled, boiled, marined and fried, this delicacy is most often served as an appetizer with a Cocktel sauce dip. After offered generally with a spicy cocktel. If you ask me, would you like to taste it? I think that i couldn’t.

Cardan Soup

In mexico and Bolivia this dish is known like “Machitos” Its flavor is very intense and ones principal ingredient is the bull male member. Some people says that is delicious. Dont you think?. I would like to taste it only if i’m not going to know that i am eating.

I can’t understand because the people are so curious to cook this meat. Someone who enjoy this dishes, could be a chef of exotic foods.



Now you don’t need force to chew an hamburguer of double floor. You can to buy a drink called meatwater its flavor is like an hamburguer with cheese. This drink is sold in the united states and is the prefer for people that like skip foods and to feel the estomach filled. In addition is a good option for people with postize denture.

Caiman meat.

If you have imagined traveling around to Brasil and disguising many dishes, so you shoudnt let to taste the caimán meat this is a Little spooky considering that you could be the food of them. in despite of these Brazilians are creatives to prepare this animal and make it in a big dish. Many caimans has been killed to the satisfaction many daring. The flavor of this meat is between a mixture of chciken and fish. I wish i coould find the place to put a restaurant of exotic foods.


The exotic food in the American continent is very variable in terms of all the types of animals that had never been considered edible even if these are considered filthy or terrifying. i would like to go to the places where they serve these dishes just to check if there are people capable of eating them and know how much was paid for them, however I would never dare to try even if it were free.


Before to start with this blog i will being talking about myself just a little, my name is María de Jesús Díaz Hernández, I consider like creative and intelligent person. I born the June 6th of 1996.

Now i'm studying chemical engineering what means that i'm that kind of person who needs being very disciplined. For the other hand I always try to get what i want. That's the reason why i decided, that once i finish the college, inmediately i'm going to study another career: Gastronomy.
That’s something that's really passionate for me, and this blog will allow a thorough understanding about the diverse range of food in the world.
therefore this blog is the result of one of the most important things in my life, that involve the food in all their forms even the least atractive part.

We now that actually the food into the mexican culture is the most important and that defining the way of expression of the people in cuisine. Like mexicans we love eat everything its around us, but what is everything? In this blog im going to mention some unique dishes.

The point of all this is that many of these foods are slowly returning to table in the country, and begin appear on menus of renowned restaurants. Ahuautle, mosquito egg, water bugs, crayfish, jumiles, chicatanas, chibicuiles, known grasshoppers, maguey worms, Escamoles, and more, are returning and becoming part of the "delicacies" in fine restaurants.

1.- Huitlacoche. Also known as "Mexican Truffle" huitlacoche is a fungus that seizes the corn in the rainy season. This dish was already known since pre-Hispanic times, and is a fungus so invasive that can infect corn anywhere in the world: In France, USA and South America is considered a terrible plague that can cause the entire crop is lost, but in Mexico is a favored food, even considered a delicacy for the palate.

2.- Crayfish. (Acociles) The Mexican crayfish or crabs River, used to be an important source of protein for the Aztec people. It looked and tasted resemble shrimp; usually fried and eaten in tacos, and unlike the shrimp were not removed the head, limbs and shell.

3.- Tripe. (Mondongo) Or often known as tummy, this spicy broth is prepared with the stomach of the animal, although in some parts of Mexico is also prepared with lamb stomach. This dish is typically consumed Sunday morning to fight the hangover caused by drinking alcohol.

4.- Kid (Cabrito). The kid is a typical dish from Monterrey is prepared with a baby goat of no more than 30 or 40 days of age, which further additions breastfed and never have eaten grass; this in order that their meat is very tender and melt in your mouth.


5- Maguey worm. Maguey worm is the larva of a butterfly growing in the maguey. You get the center of the maguey after the rainy season, and the extraction of 3 or 4 causes the maguey worms can no longer be used, so it has become a very expensive dish and only accessible to wealthy diners. Along with Escamoles, maguey worm is the most prestigious Mexican insect world cuisine.

We could see the most exotic mexican food, like very interesting and unusual dishes, that for so many people could it be disgusting at the same time, especially who do not dare even to try these dishes for others its about a “Delight”. No doubt hungry in all tastes is good, but it is the same case of insects? or in strange and unusual animals? Definitelly I'll never eat something like those dishes, and like me the most of people is thinking of the same way because they care of their health. Just for fun I will try with maybe an insect but i'm not so sure about it.

Overall, for most of people is very unconfortable try to eat other different food because since the point of view “normal” and conventional, the food that usually we know is really hard to replace to others because it could be completely exotic, or strange.

However, still yet exists people who eat that kind of food independent of their foreign cultures. The majority prefers don’t take any risk trying to eat exotic Mexican food maybe for prevention of their health, but others enjoy this magnificent experience! It’s a really good idea try something different, Don´t you think?

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015


Hi, im Silvester, i´m from Mexico, i love all kind of foods but i honestly i love eat it. I have studied a career in science communication and for that reason i must tell you, if you can´t travel to another country, dont worry i can help you to know what kind of food there is in Oceanic.

oceanic continent is popular for its beaches, culture, traditions and above all for their food for that reason, if one day you travel to Oceania, possibly find a very attractive menú. But i have a question for you. Are you hungry? Well, you can eat some meals if you visit the first place, that it´s located in New Zealand.

Are you ready? i mean your stomach is ready?

New Zealand is a country atractive for its beaches and peaceful people, but they have a not common in foods, really, you never expect this:

I had never imagined that this could be drink, seriously , i love the horses but if you are going to pay me for drink that i would have rejected. In March of each year in a village in New Zealand, it takes place a kind of wild food festival. This event attracts thousands of tourists who are always in search of exotic and unusual dishes and drinks.

2- but don´t worry the second place is more atractive, is here in New Zealand, but in the south of Australia. i´m just gonna tell you about an animal that is vey pretty but in your tongue maybe you could confuse.


well they have a special food and they called Hangi Maori. This Haingi is the food that comes from an ancient récipe. her cooking is unique because they use hot stones buried in an oven pit still used for special occasions , sorry i almost had forgot the animal, is the kangoroo.

3- Are you hungy now? I guess, but don´t worry we have the dessert is served becose these dishes include ice cream larvae, worms chocolate, sushi worms, scorpions, are very heatly, you can imagine that is a fruit bar.

 you still hungry now? I hope so. Well in brief, there are many foods, some very strange and others they look delicious. The point is that our culture about the food is not the same for everybody for example here in Mexico, mainly Veracruz, people eat turtle eggs, i never had tasted until yesterday, but that is not the point. I hope so that with this information you will have a brave stomach.


Hi,my name is Josselyn Que Hernandez and I’m well known for being a FOOD LOVER,I could probably eat anything, since my parents thought me that –Food was the most precious thing in life and even if you dislike it you have to eat it no matter what- so,since I grew up with that mentality some of my friends and i introduce ourselfs to the exotic food world and we decide to make a blog about it so we could talk to world about the most bizarre and weird foods around the world and we really hope you enjoy it.


if you are thinking about traveling to Europe and you want to try out the most weird dishes or you’re bored of fish n’ chips ,here we have a quick list of things you didn’t know Europeans eat:

1.-If you are traveling around lituania you should try pig ears serve it with beer. In the Baltic region, the number one beer snack is pig ear. Just skin and cartilage - pickled, sliced and served with strong mustard. The big question is is it really good?..

2.-The Germans eat something called Aalsuppe wich is mainly a grig in soup made out of some products from the sea. Served as any other soup this little mixture is the favorite of most germans, so if you ever found yourself in Germany don’t forget to ask the specialty of the typical restaurants in town.

3.- By the next time you visit Ukraine I’m sure you have to see Borscht in every single menu while traveling in, but,Don’t you wonder what is a Borscht? Well is a red-colored soup made with beet as its main ingredient. Borscht can be prepared and served in two ways; hot and cold. Though both variants use beets, hot borscht is more like a stew with added ingredients such as cabbage, beans, cucumber, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes or onions, mushrooms, and meats (chicken, pork, or beef).
4.-Spain is well known for the Paella which is DELICIUS, but I’m not sure if you ever heard about cockscomb? Well if you haven’t cockscomb is a dish made in Spain out the crests of the rooster made with rice and fried in their own blood I hope it taste better than it looks.



Hey there! I´m Karla Gomez a future environmental
engineer also an animal and food lover, I’m from Mexico but
 I have Korean roots because my grandma was from South
 Korea which is why my eyes are too small. I´m just 22
years old and this is my blog about exotic food from Asia!
 Enjoy it! Please do not forget to post a comment!

As you know around the world there is a lot of dishes that
are pretty different and also rare for us (when I say us, I
mean people from American continent). In contrast to
American continent, Asia is a strange continent, because it
has a variety of unimaginable ingredients to prepare their
meals since insects to exotic animals.
Asian people believe a little different from the rest of the
world, they think that the food has their own meaning and
properties. For instance, eat tiger meat will give you enough
power. In China people may eat crocodiles or scorpions.
But, what about dogs? Yes, of course Chinese people eat
dog meat too! Actually, South Korea is another country that
cook that unusual dish.

In particular, in South Korea there is a popular soup that
includes dog meat as principal ingredient and then boiled
with vegetables and spices. Koreans believe that a person
eating this soup could get some virility.

At this moment maybe you, dear reader, are wondering how
the dog soup look like? Well, guess what! No, you won’t see
a dog head into your soup.

This picture is the answer of all your questions about this
soup. It looks pretty great, don´t you think? Better than
you imagined, right?


Maybe one day you will travel to Asia, even better, to South
Korea and you will enter to a local restaurant and as a
foreign you must try the local cuisine. Well let’s imagine the
situation: you read the menu and you find “dog soup”, oh
my god… is it possible?, is the taste good? And you start to
think I wish I hadn’t entered to this restaurant when I was
passing by… Or I would eat this dish only if I were really
hungry, but don’t worry, more foreigners have been
attracted by this dish.

In brief, if you are in an Asian country, don’t regret about
the local cusine, try everything you can! Maybe by the next
year, you will have been eating an exotic food.



Hi, guys I´m perla and i will talk about food, really exotic food, I´m Mexican and I can told you that I love the food salad or meet more meet that salad and I used to eat armadillo and I eaten eggs of turtles, oyster, fish roe and I thinks so dog meet but really I didn´t know I suppose eaten in the street but that is another history and that´s all of course I would like to taste iguana meet, snake meet and why not a shark.

but now I will talk about African and we talk about food so, I will show you an exotic African food and really I wouldn´t taste this "food", I just remember and I feel chills all my skin, you are not to know but I wouldn´t visit that continent, I don´t know maybe because they´re are wild or something like that.

You really read well, yeah is a cat who is roasted with its own skin, in my case it´s really nasty, but they don´t use some seasoning so I don´t know the taste and really I don´t care, just look the picture and tell me what do you feel?


Well the bat, maybe you can´t imagine to taste this food and with this presentation less, right? That I show the African people don´t use seasoning because I just look roast animals and for my opinion it´s very disgusting to eat some bat like this, maybe I can taste with tamal or soap. 


Not please a dog not, I don´t like to care dogs because they´re dirty but I won´t taste a dog with out my consent maybe because they´re are the best friend for the humans or maybe because they´re own pets, the African people eat all the dog meet, the picture for me is shocking and you?


And the last one but very impact it´s that food, they eat monkeys, I don’t know but this is the worst picture in this section of exotic food in this case they´re sold the meet like butchery I don´t know if they seasoning or it´s roast but this picture it’s enough for us.

Really guys it´s very interesting to know different culture and that’s it or maybe you can take the risk and taste, I don´t know, all we have different opinions, even if I will tell you, search this kind of food it´s very complicated, the African people didn´t show who or how cook this exotic food, I wish I could find the time to do volunteer work, ahahah well it´s a joke, maybe we become aware to other culture and never look forward the same like you and tell me just one thing…. Are you daring?

Thanks for your time, and see you another scared section…